Discovery of

the Precious

The Parish of Loiben

The records provide no information about the origins of a cure of souls at Loiben. The area around Loiben has belonged to Tegernsee Abbey in Bavaria since 1002, when it was gifted to the abbey by Emperor Heinrich II. The Benedictine monks founded a vineyard in Loiben and built a church. The register of the parish of Krems-Stein mentions a Church of St Quirinus in Loiben around 1360. The parish church sits at a slight elevation at the western end of the town, and is surrounded by a medieval wall with a baroque portal. In the documents this is called the Friedhofstor (cemetery gate) because it used to lead to the cemetery that existed around the church until 1841.

Loiben Parish Church

The church is an interesting building, which has developed over time and is composed of a number of elements. Around 1500 a finely constructed net vault was added to the fourteenth-century right nave. At the eastern end, this nave connects to the tall, slender chancel; at the western end, to a Late Gothic tower with baroque onion-shaped spire. The tower is accessible from the outside. The left nave still has the original ribbed vault. At its western end is a chapel with a stellar vault, overlooked by the gallery. There are numerous epitaphs on the outer wall, including a late medieval relief of the Mount of Olives.

The Bavarian monks brought relics of St Quirinus’s blood and bones to Unterloiben. A pilgrimage arose, which was supported from around 1500 by a confraternity of St Quirinus. In 1783 the confraternity was dissolved by decree of Emperor Joseph II, marking an end to the pilgrimage.

The neo-Gothic windows (1889) feature the Immaculate Heart of Mary, St Rosalia and St Quirinus, as well as rich ornamental patterns. Martin Johann Schmidt (‘Kremser Schmidt’) painted the altarpiece, The Beheading of St Quirinus, in 1782. There are more oil paintings on the walls of the choir, showing scenes from the legend of Quirinus with a wealth of traditional detail. In the right side chapel, you can see Mary with the Christ child, while the pulpit shows Jesus with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well.

The Parish of Loiben Today

Loiben has been an independent parish since 1379. Until 1818 it was mostly run by Benedictines from Tegernsee Abbey or by priests working on their behalf. Today, the parish of Loiben has around 400 members and is co-administered by Father Hugo Rafael De Vlaminck from Dürnstein Abbey. The parish consists of Unterloiben, Rothenhof and Oberloiben, and forms part of Dürnstein municipality.

Sharing a parish priest, the parishes of Loiben and Dürnstein work closely together, for example, on first communion and confirmation, liturgical feast days, the Night of 1,000 Lights and the Seniors’ Afternoons. There are also regular celebrations of the Word of God.

There are no set office hours. Appointments can be made on an individual basis with Father Hugo Rafael De Vlaminck.

The community hall on the ground floor of the presbytery at Unterloiben is the centre of many parish activities. The Loiben Quirinus choir led by Bernadette Seitner, the altar servers’ group and the seniors all meet here regularly. The hall is also used as a venue for parish coffee mornings and wedding reception drinks (Agape). Volunteers make advent wreaths and traditional Palm Sunday bouquets (Palmbuschen) here and sell them on behalf of the parish.

Highlights of the Loiben liturgical year include Corpus Christi, the Quirinus Concert, the pilgrimage to Maria Langegg on 15 August, participation in the Kirchen am Fluss (Churches on the River) project, World Mission Sunday celebrations and Harvest Festival and the blessing of wine in November.

In keeping with the motto of the Dürnstein and Loiben joint parish newsletter – The Church lives through you – we invite everyone to get involved and bring their own skills and talents to our parish communities!

Mass every Sunday and public holiday at 8.15 a.m.

You can find current events and any changes to the schedule in the events calendar.

Parish news of the parishes Dürnstein and Loiben

The parishes of Dürnstein and Loiben cooperate closely. As of this the parish news are integrate both parishes as well and are published 4 times a year. Enjoy the read!

We look forward

to welcoming you!