Discovery of
the Precious
The exhibition “Discovery of the Precious”
In 2019, Dürnstein Abbey was renovated and the new permanent exhibition “Discovery of the Precious” was opened. It takes visitors into rooms of the baroque jewel that were previously inaccessible to the public. The tour invites visitors to immerse themselves in the spiritual concept of the building and to reflect on “the Good, the Beautiful, the True”. Topics that are more timely today than ever!
Through the monastery portal one enters the baroque courtyard with its imposing church portal. Then you reach the restored Gothic columned hall, which is dedicated to the theme of “the Good”. The model of the town of Dürnstein illustrates here the varied history of the town and the monastery.
In the second part of the exhibition “the Beautiful”, visitors are invited to reflect on their own idea of the beautiful. The Dürnstein Madonna from the 15th century and the Dürnstein monstrance, which was specially made for the baroque collegiate church, can be seen here, as well as a panel with over 300 different shades of blue.
A highlight of every visit to the monastery is a visit to the Danube terrace with its unique view of the blue church tower and the Wachau. The perfect photo motif for every Dürnstein visitor!
From there it goes to the upper floor, which gives the visitor insights into “the Real”. The replica of the tabernacle of the collegiate church in the form of a rotating sphere, together with a globe of the earth and the heavens, expresses that man is part of the great whole. In the adjacent creative room, young and old can build their own church tower.
The gallery offers a first glimpse into the collegiate church with its magnificent baroque furnishings. The tour leads down the sacristy stairs to the ground floor and, as a final highlight, into the collegiate church with stucco reliefs by Santino Bussi.
At the selfie mirror in the collegiate courtyard you have the opportunity to take a photo of yourself with the blue church tower.
Information about opening hours and entrance fees can be found here.
Ground floor

First floor

Exhibition themes
The Good
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good!
(Gen 1,1-2,4a)
The former warehouse, a magnificent Gothic columned hall, sets the scene for the exhibition: what does GOOD mean?… for the world, for me, for Dürnstein…
The Beautiful
Wonder is the desire for knowledge!
(St Thomas Aquinas)
It fills us with wonder! Be it the harmony created by the inner courtyard with its angels, or the view from the Danube Terrace up towards the tower and the Heavens: each artistic element has a meaning waiting to be discovered!
The True
I am the way and the truth and the life!
(Joh 14,6)
The Abbey Church is full of symbolism, telling us we have reason to trust in the world and in Heaven! Take your time and savour this synthesis of all the arts…
Stift Dürnstein – A baroque jewel at the danube
The Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) created a documentary on Dürnstein Abbey and broadcast it on 13 April 2020. We are happy to present this film to you:
(Duration: 28 Minutes, Language: German)