Discovery of
the Precious
Augustiner-Chorherrenstift Herzogenburg
Prandtauerring 2
3130 Herzogenburg
Tel: +43 (0) 2782 83112
Responsible for the content:
Provost MMag. Petrus Stockinger Can. Reg.
Mag. H. Stephanus Rützler Can. Reg.
Elisabeth Glatzenberger
Layout, concept and realisation:
Kopfer Design / Art Direction
Rights for the pictures are with the photographers. These are:
- Peter Böttcher
- Markus Haslinger (
- Anton Höslinger
- Andreas Kraus
- Reinhold Ogris
- Manfred Meixner
- Planet Architects
- Mario Riedl
- Helmut Ruthner
- Susanne Schaufler
- Stift Dürnstein
- Stift Reichersberg
- Stift St. Florian
- Michael Zechany
Should a mistake have been made and you happen to find a photography of which you are holding the rights without being mentioned, or if you don’t agree to the use of your photos, please contact us immediately.
House rules and GTC
You can download the house rules and general terms and conditions when visiting Dürnstein Abbey here: